Sunday, December 23, 2012

Martha Stewart ... I am not ....

I can cook up a storm, yip I sure can, ..... baking so not my thing.  Boxed cake pops must be easy right??!

Look at the box, those smooth yummy balls of sweetness like the WW 5 points (for the record) bite sized cake pops at Starbucks.   Yuummm

Company coming for first Christmas celebration ..... easy dessert .... NOT ... Damn you Starbucks marketing team!  Those little buggers are impossible to sculpture like your box, IMPOSSIBLE!

I couldn't even serve mine haha

Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Pinterest Experiments Continued!

Ha so my blog is kinda turning into a mishmash of my health and fitness progress, and my Pinterest trials and tribulations.

After my ice marble experience ...... which is slowly melting but still looking kinda cool, I decided to make ice decorations for my outside tree.  They actually look pretty and sparkly, but I am officially done with ice and food colouring until next year!

I used trays that I found normally used to make chocolate suckers .... my freezer is full of spilt blue and red water,   so perhaps not the best idea.  I froze ribbon into the ice decorations, but also not a brilliant idea, I am sure they will all be on the floor by the morning!  But for one night looks quite pretty.

Not a before and after ...... a work in progress

Oh boy December can be such a tough month to stay on track with fitness and healthy eating.  It's not  lack of want or willpower, it's just so busy, being busy is not good for planning and it becomes so easy to just grab bad food on the run.  Finding time for gym is also a little more challenging.

So, to keep myself on track and find some motivation I decided to check in with some photos I have been keeping for my "big after reveal".  I am certainly not there yet, but I can see the small improvements. 

I decided to go with arms, even though my tummy is for sure my most challenging area.  I just couldn't do those pictures .... *-*

I love seeing women with well defined, sculpted arms, it seems easy for men to get results, I don't know, it seems to me us ladies have to work harder at it.  I have never had arms I am proud of, I want to get there, I will get there, 4 months of very solid training and the results of the in-progress me are there.  I can see some changes from Sept to Dec but the month to month not so much.  4 months from now I want those picture to be transformational, December Christmas craziness is not gonna hold me back!  The results so far are from circuit weights 3 times (on average) a week.  

No quick fixes for results, nope just the work you put in .. the results you get out ...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Fantasy of Pinterest vs. The Reality of Pinterest!

Hands up, who loves Pinterest?  Oh I get lost for hours, strawberries stuffed with perfectly sculpted grapes, cucumbers cut like whales, endless fitness advise and quotes, yip it's an addictive site!  And so as Christmas rolls around the inspiring Martha Stuart type arts and crafts are in great abundance and so inspiring .... mmmhmmmm .......

Ohhhh ice coloured marbles pretty and EASY .. yes lets do it!

"Fill balloons with coloured water."  Ok first off the instruction should be to place balloon over tap to fill, because filling it with a jug .... nope doesn't work.  It may seem obvious, but some of us do not have a Martha bone in our bodies!  My kids correct me, I place balloon over tap and fill.  See next instruction above, "add food colouring"?  Well if you let go of the top of the ballon when full to add colouring, the water sprays in your face!!!  I put the colouring in first 1 or 2 tops, oh what the hell lets go with 10 drops for dramatic effect.   Ohhh and lets add glitter, my friend thought that would be a good idea.  Mmmhmmm

Place over tap.  Next instruction should be to slooowwwllly fill balloon, cause too much pressure and you have a shitstorm of food colouring and glitter spraying all over yourself and your kitchen.

Ok filling method perfected (at least an hour into this "easy" project to make my outside Christmas decorating look like a winter wonderland).

Now we fill our freezer with these lovely filled balloons, full ... mmm ok it's below zero outside lets place our extras on my glass patio table ..... mmmhmmm

Alright leaving the creative beasts to freeze, you may be wondering why I decided to do so many, well I wanted to build a colourful ice igloo, upon reflection as I look at my dye colour hands and my glitter filled kitchen tiles, I decide I maybe being a lil overambitious, so I change my vision to an ice wall and go to bed.

After work I try remove the balloon off one ice marble, oh crap the balloons have burst and the blue water is all over the table has frozen all the balloons to the table .. crap  ...... I pour a little warm water on the table, yay one comes loose ... the contents leak all over my hands onto the table I am left with an empty ice shell .... mmmhmmmmm Pinterest this sure is easy!  (Note you need at least 48 hours for them to freeze solid!

Oh but my creative juices are flowing, I decide to put a Santa in the empty shell, weeeeee back on track.

Now downstairs to my freezer, the first two I lift up yay they seem solid, then ...... I notice disaster!  ahhhhhhhh ... doritos floating in blue water .. ahhhhhhhhh ... one of the bottom ballons has burst ... crap crap crap ...

We are now on about hour 7 of this easy quick project .......

Clean freezer, throw soaked food away ..... yay this is fun!

Plan C, the balloons still in semi frozen state are getting tossed out onto our trampoline to finish freezing.  Oh instruction for Pinterest .. do NOT fill the balloons, allow for expansion, otherwise they WILL burst and cause chaos.

72 hours later, with approximately 15 man-hours not to mention clean up time!  Here is the result ..... yip Pinterest I love you, but in true relationship style, I am really mad at you right now!

At least my Pinterest nails look good!!!